Cost of living in Skagit County


Skagit County is a Washington State County, United States. The population of the county is 124 000 people. The administrative center of the county is Mount Vernon. Skagit County was founded in 1883.

The median property value in Skagit County, WA is $286,200, and the homeownership rate is 67.5%. The median household income in Skagit County, WA is $62,865. Household Income in Skagit County, WA was Census Tract 9519 with a value of $93,472, followed by Census Tract 9403 and Census Tract 9512, with respective values of $82,793 and $82,781.

The economy of Skagit County, WA employs 55.5k people.

The largest industries in Skagit County are Health Care & Social Assistance (7,625 people), Manufacturing (7,070 people), and Retail Trade (6,317 people). The highest paying industries are Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction ($90,000), Utilities ($81,300), and Public Administration ($56,678).

But how much does it cost to live in Skagit County?

Let’s take a look at the infographic below.

 Cost to live in Skagit County
