Company Description
Some of our (recent) history:
Langley Main Street Association incorporated as a non-profit corporation in Washington State July 8, 2011.
LMSA received its IRS tax-exempt 501c3 status Oct. 27, 2011.
Board Members:
Christina Drake, Tami Goss, Bob Waterman, Fred Lundahl, Mark Riomondo, Jeff Arango, Rene Neff, Sandra Wainwright, Janet Ploof
Officers are:
President: Janet Ploof
Vice President: Christina Drake
Treasurer: Sandy Wainwright
Secretary: Tami Goss
As of November 2011, there are 40 charter members. Membership is always open to anyone interested in joining the organization. LMSA members are required to serve on at least one committee.
Committees are:
ECONomic revitalization
Meets First Mondays at 9 a.m. at Useless Bay Coffee Co.
Jim Sundberg, Fran Abel, Diane Kaufman, Larry Kwarsick, Jeff Arango, Fred Lundahl, Janet Ploof
Meets First Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. at the SW Commons
Bob Waterman, Mark Riomondo, Kathy Rooks,
Mira Steinbrecher, Eric Richmond, Bev Derocher
Ron Atlee, Tami Goss, Janet Ploof
Meets First Wednesdays 9 a.m. at Useless Bay Coffee Co.
Larry Derocher, Larry Kwarsick, Fred Lundahl,
Bob Thermond, Sandy Wainwright, Rene Neff, Janet Ploof
Meets Third Thursdays 10 a.m. at Useless Bay Coffee Co.
Peggy Juve, Sherry Jennings, Cynthia Tilkin,
Sandy Wainwright, Janet Ploof
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Donate through B&O , Contact Us , ECONomic revitalization , ORGanization , Design , Join Us , PROMOtion , City Hall Edible Garden , Become a Friend of LMSA , 2nd Street Rain Garden & Bump-outs , Frick Lane History Walk & Alley Upgrades , Get Involved