Company Description

LENZ ENTERPRISES is a locally owned and operated business that specializes in providing high-quality compost, topsoil, bark, rock, sand, and gravel to both residential and commercial customers. With a focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices, our products are carefully sourced and processed to ensure the highest level of quality and integrity. We offer convenient pick up or delivery options to meet the specific needs of our customers. Located at 5210 SR 532 in Stnwd, our dedicated team is committed to delivering exceptional customer service and products that enhance the beauty and fertility of landscapes. Contact LENZ ENTERPRISES at 360-629-2933 for all your compost, topsoil, bark, rock, sand, and gravel needs. GREEN BLENZ COMPOST is our trusted brand that represents our commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

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Products & Services

compost ,   topsoil ,   rock ,   bark ,   gravel ,   sand  

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Lenz Enterprises

5210 State Route 532 Stanwood, WA
(360) 629-2933

Other Locations

5210 SR 532 Stanwood, WA

5210 SR 532 Stanwood, WA

Stanwood, WA
(360) 629-2933
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