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Washington State Nature

Local Businesses in Washington

Washington State focuses on aerospace, agriculture, food processing, information and communications technology, logging, healthcare, maritime and military sectors.

Leaders in each sector work closely with governors, industry leaders and government to achieve and promote public-private partnerships, advance economic development strategies, and support small business growth and expansion across the state.

Through the development of the aerospace sector, Washington State maintains its global leadership as a manufacturer of aircraft and unmanned aerial systems. The state is also a valuable supplier to aerospace companies and airlines around the world. The sector also works with industry leaders to align staff training programs with business needs.

The agricultural sector is focused on expanding markets for Washington's 300 crops and industrial foods by removing trade barriers, reducing and simplifying regulations, and improving transport efficiency while managing and protecting its valuable natural resources and existing farmland.

One of the state's top priorities is to create an economic climate in which innovation and entrepreneurship can continue to flourish and create well-paid jobs throughout Washington.

For over 165 years, the state's forestry industry has provided sustainable management of natural resources and sustained society and provided additional jobs for families.

The global health sector is focused on attracting new companies and organizations to Washington, helping existing ones expand and grow, and increasing the number of internationally renowned researchers and federal funding for Washington research institutions.

Local Businesses in Washington State
Local Businesses in Washington State (download as PDF)

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